Liberty All Masters American Autocracy

In her latest book, “Liberty from All Masters: The New American Autocracy vs. the Will of the People“, Barry C. Lynn lays bare the transformation of America into a new form of autocracy – one controlled entirely by a big business-political elite. With meticulously researched evidence, she unearthes an alarming reality about America’s drift away from its democratic ideals.

The core insight of “Liberty from All Masters” is the shift from government by the people to governance by a welfare state apparatus controlled by Big Tech and other corporate powerhouses. Lynn uncovers how companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook have seized control of the American economy, politics, and society as a whole.

Lynn’s masterful narration charts how leaders from both political spectrums fell for the siren song of Big Tech, leading to an economy enriched liberals and conservatives but leaving American workers and small entrepreneurs empoverished. Moreover, Barry beautifully distinguishes the existing corporate state from the free market, highlighting how big tech’s dominance is crowding out true entrepreneurship and innovation.

What makes “Liberty from all Masters” remarkable is its forward-looking analysis on how to regain control of our economy and politics. Lynn shows how reviving an older and more effective system – focused on liberty, equality, and security – can work against today’s threats to democracy.

The book is a wake-up call and an insight-packed guide into understanding and dismantling the autocracy that has quietly nested itself within our own democracy. Every American who cares about the future of our nation, should consider reading “Liberty from All Masters“.

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