David Beckham travel style

4 Men’s Travel Style Upgrades for 2022

Travel has increased significantly in 2022. Perhaps you’ve taken a couple more trips this year due to cancellations or cabin fever over the previous couple of years. Whether you’re exploring a new place, seeing friends and family, or going on a relaxing vacation, the modern gentleman should consider these 4 men’s travel style upgrades.

If you’ve been to an airport recently, you know how much stress this experience can cause. You also have probably noticed how much people have lowered their style standards. Sweatpants, crocs, old t-shirts and hoodies… definitely a lack of care for their appearance. While these folks are prioritizing comfort, the modern gentleman should not look sloppy or unkempt in public.

The key is to strike a balance. While you don’t need to dress like an episode of Mad Men, there are benefits to looking put together.

Feeling more put together will help you deal with a stressful situation better. With unpredictable amounts of flight delays and cancellations, anything to reduce this stress is welcomed. And while airline customer service can be inconsistent, you have a much better chance of favorable treatment if you look like you give a crap about your appearance.

You’re also more likely to catch the attention of any attractive women on your flight. Maybe they live in your city or are ending up at the same destination as you? Either way, you give yourself a better chance of sparking something if you are at least decently dressed.

Below are the 4 easy ways to stay comfortable and stand out against a sea of sloppiness.

  • Get a legit bag
  • Don’t settle for sweats
  • Decent footwear
  • Simple jacket or outerwear
David Beckham travel style upgrade

Get a legit bag

The key to men’s travel style. You don’t need an expensive, show-stopping bag to look put together, but you do need to ditch the ratty old backpack or beat up old beat up athletic bag from college.

A legit bag can range from a simple, sleek roller suitcase in a neutral color, to a nice canvas duffel bag, all the way up to a full leather bag that will last a lifetime and look better with age.

If you can afford it, spend a little money to buy a classic bag that will last a while. See the examples below for some inspiration.

Travel bag
Black travel bag
waxed canvas travel bag
rugged travel bag
leather travel bag
Upscale leather bag

Don’t settle for sweats

This should be the most obvious upgrade. If you’re wearing sweats on an airplane, you’re telling the world that you’ve given up and don’t take anything seriously.

The obvious choice to upgrade here is either a comfortable pair of dark jeans, or a pair of chinos. Avoid shorts. You can meet this bare minimum standard and still remain comfortable.

The same principle applies to your top. Don’t settle for your ratty old college hoodie. You should consider a clean, plain crewneck sweatshirt as an alternative. We’ll discuss other options a bit later.

Decent footwear

Please, please do not wear crocs, on an airplane or otherwise. Also, avoid sandals on a flight (and honestly anywhere but the beach).

The easy upgrade here is a pair of plain white sneakers, some casual chukka or chelsea boots, or a pair of loafers (depending on your personal style). You can easily pull from the five pairs of shoes you should own.

Simple jacket or outerwear

This depends on the weather. If it’s very warm, you can skip this suggestion, but otherwise you should at least wear a light jacket. The extra pockets always come in handy when travelling, plus temperatures in airports and on airplanes can change drastically within a matter of minutes. It’s good to have something simple you can easily take on and off if needed.

A clean bomber jacket like David Beckham is wearing below is perfect (in fact, the whole outfit really hits all the points on this post). A chore coat works great too. If it’s cold, you can substitute in a heavier piece of outerwear. If you want to go a little dressier, a casual cotton sport coat or travel blazer like the gentleman below is wearing works well.

David Beckham perfect travel style
Travel blazer style upgrade

Strive to look more like Mr. Beckham above. Don’t let your basic fashion standards fall to the level of the masses when you travel. You don’t need to dress up, just look decent. These men’s travel style upgrades should help.

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