More Reading Power Thinking Comprehension

Embark on an enriching journey of refining your comprehension, critical reading, thinking and skills with More Reading Power. Authored by the experienced writers, Beatrice S. Mikulecky and Linda Jeffries, this book is a sequel to the popular Reading Power series.

Published by Pearson Education ESL, this book is an exceptional resource, providing key techniques to develop reading abilities, dividing its focus into four parts – comprehension, thinking skills, reading faster, and timed reading. It offers continued thematic instruction through an extensive range of disciplines such as health, science, and social sciences. All these topics are consciously designed to pique learners’ interests and broaden their knowledge horizons.

More Reading Power demands active participation from learners, making the learning process engaging and effective. Certain exercises are designed to be adaptable in a classroom or for self-study. The approach of the book is to make learners take charge of the reading process by involving them in reading, thinking, vocabulary building, and increasing reading speed.

The methodology of the book primarily revels in instilling in learners a higher reading power using comprehension exercises, expanding thinking skills through timed reading activities, and improving reading speed, significantly enhancing overall reading skills.

This valuable resource has received rave reviews, with high remarks for the active skills approach and its efficacy in engaging readers in thoughtful learning. More Reading Power is recommended for intermediate to high-intermediate students who wish to improve their reading skills, whether for academic purposes or personal growth. The proven active learning approach makes this a must-have tool for anyone looking to craft strong reading habits and enhance their comprehension abilities. For those committed to developing a powerful reading prowess, this book promises to be your friend and guide.

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