Most Attractive Age For a Man

Most Attractive Age For A Man – Which is it?

There are a number of theories about which age women are most attractive. But people usually don’t talk about the most attractive age for a man.

There is an old saying that men age like fine wine. But is this really true?

Most Attractive Age For a Man – The Findings

According to Professor Madeleine Fugere, who is the author of The Social Psychology of Attraction and Romantic Relationships, women prefer men who are a few years older than they are. Men tend to prefer women who are a few years younger. This seems like everything works out just right, right?

Well, research data by Christian Rudder, the founder of OkCupid, provides the ideal man’s age that women are attracted to the most.

At what age are men most attractive?

The result?

Between 38 and 39 years.

This was also mentioned in the movie Chloe in one scene where Julianne Moore’s character admits to Liam Neeson’s character that she felt she became invisible to him as she aged, while he became more attractive to her.

It’s also the age when George Clooney starred in Ocean’s Eleven, Brad Pitt at Troy, and Will Smith in I Am Legend. Even though 38 or 39 seems old, these men prove that you can still be at or near your peak as you approach 40.

A huge caveat

You have to take great care of yourself to be considered attractive at this age. Looking at the examples above, these men were all physically in great shape, successful (both on and off screen), exciting, and are powerful in their own right.

Don’t think that making it to age 38 as a regular joe who dresses sloppy, has a dad-bod, no achievements to speak of, and has nothing interesting (hobbies, experiences, etc…) to talk about will automatically make you desirable.

Being great at this age only works if you have put in the work to maintain your youthful vigor and achieve some level of success in your life, alongside being able to tell interesting stories along the way. The age is a marker of how much time you have been able to make yourself great. Only those who do something will be considered maximally attractive at this age.

Here’s some help

Not on track to reach your peak by your late 30s? It’s not too late to turn things around. The following advice can make a huge difference.

  • Get in shape. You can still get in great shape into your late 30s, but it takes a ton of work and discipline. Here is a workout plan for busy men, and a meal prep resource to get your diet on track. As you get into your 30s, your diet makes a bigger and bigger difference on your appearance.
  • Dress better. This is the easiest upgrade you can make. Check out this section of our website for in-depth articles of how you can upgrade your style.
  • Achieve something. You don’t necessarily need to be rich, but you do need to be good at something. Being the best or having accomplished something that few others have will give you an air of confidence that younger men can’t quite grasp. Focus your time and energy on being the best at what you do,
  • Take care of your skin. Skin ages quicky and is the easiest way to age out of these peak years. Rejuvenate yourself with this fine selection of the top moisturizing and anti-aging cream for men.

Olay Regenerist Retinol 24 Night


Olay Regenerist Retinol 24 Night

Brickell Men’s Anti-Aging Cream


Brickell Men's Anti-Aging Cream

Anti Aging Retinol Moisturizer


Anti Aging Retinol Moisturizer


Is your time yet to come, or do you still believe that only younger men are the most attractive?

Brad Pitt - Most Attractive Age

About The Author

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