New Year Resolutions: How To Commit to an Active Lifestyle

As we usher in another year, it’s the perfect time to reassess our lives and set new goals. For many of us, living a more active lifestyle is at the top of our New Year’s resolutions list. Regularly working out can improve mood, increase energy levels, and boost overall well-beingHowever, sticking to this resolution can be challenging. Here are some tips on hot to commit to an active lifestyle and making this year your healthiest yet!

Create Clear Exercise Goals

Consistently working out is about more than saying, “I want to get fit.” Be specific about what you want to achieve. For instance, do you want to lose a certain amount of weight, hit a weightlifting goal, or run a 5K by a specific date? Think about why you want to get more active and how those results will benefit your current way of life.

The goal must be definitive rather than vague. For instance, a goal of doing 5 pullups or running a mile in 8 minutes by a certain date is much better than a goal of “getting more toned” for the summer.

Commit to an active lifestyle

Organize a Schedule

Actually doing your workout is the most difficult part of creating a new habit.

Once you’ve set your goals, you can organize a schedule to help you reach them. Based on your workout goals, decide on the types of exercises you’ll do and when. To achieve a toned look, you may focus on weightlifting three times a week, engage in cardio twice a week, and take two days off to recover.

When making the schedule, also consider where you’ll work out. To get in your cardio for the week, you could run around your neighborhood or go for a bike ride. Likewise, you could go to a gym to use workout equipment or invest in your own. The key is choosing activities and locations you enjoy and will stick with.

Consistency is the number one key for success with a new workout routine. Better to create a schedule you know you can stick to, even if it’s less ambitious, rather than something you’re not sure is sustainable.

For example, better to schedule three 30 minute workouts per week if you know you’ll have the time, rather than five hour long workouts if you know you’ll fall off the rails. Start small and achievable, then add more ambition to your schedule. Sticking to something is more important than setting an overly ambitious goal.

Invest in the Right Gear

Part of committing to an active lifestyle is having the right equipment. Invest in quality gear that will make your workouts more comfortable and enjoyable. For example, a good pair of running shoes can prevent injury and provide proper support.

Other essentials, such as a tactical belt, keep your pants secure. One of the key tips for choosing the right belt is to consider the activities you’ll do. After all, the stretch belt you’d wear to the gym differs from what a hiker would need.

Be Patient With Yourself

Embarking on a journey toward an active lifestyle may not always be easy, and there may be times when you feel like giving up. Remember, change takes time—you’ll likely have setbacks throughout your exercise journey. Be patient with yourself and celebrate small victories.

Keep It Fun

When thinking of how to commit to an active lifestyle, the best advice is to keep it fun. You might need a workout buddy to keep you motivated or a music playlist to keep you energized. Don’t be afraid to switch up your routine now and then. If you like to run on the treadmill, try a Zumba class. If you’re getting bored with your yoga routine, try Pilates. Listen to your body and do what feels good as you develop your passion for movement!

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