Working out

Why Health and Fitness Matters

The discussion around health and fitness centers on one point. Why should we care so much? We’ll go over why health and fitness matters, and how you can invest in the biggest, most important asset you have – yourself.

Before we get into any lists or how-to’s, we’ll address the most important underlying principle. Standards. That’s why you’re reading this blog in the first place. Because you have set some standard for how you should present yourself to the world, and you seek out the best resources to continually improve yourself.

Having standards requires effort, and putting effort into yourself sends a strong signal to the outside world. It shows that you care about yourself, that you can be trusted to care about your responsibilities (work, relationships, building your life), and that you are willing to put in the work to achieve a goal.

Your health and fitness signals your standards in a way nothing else can. Most people can buy nice clothes, or lease a nice car, or flex when they’re out on the town. But you cannot buy fitness. There are no shortcuts. A strong, healthy physique can only be earned.

And with over 70% of the population either overweight or obese, being fit is a signal that you have not succumbed to the mediocrity and carelessness that has permeated most of the population.

Aside from this foundational benefit, here are a few other ways your life will improve.

You will be more attractive (both in the body and face)

Less body fat creates a more defined jawline and facial features. And obviously a more muscular and defined physique will gain positive attention from women. Dressing and grooming well can only do so much (although it is very important). Being in shape is the best upgrade you can make to your overall style.

Clothes fit better

Wide shoulders, a narrow waist, and strong legs can make a plain t-shirt and pair of jeans look amazing. The same goes for other garments (henleys, polos, button-downs, suits, outerwear, etc…). Your physique is the foundation for your clothes, and ideally you want your clothes to accentuate positive features rather than hiding negative ones.

Longer health-span

We’ll all die one day, and if we’re lucky enough to reach advanced years, we’ll all physically break down at some point. What you should strive for is to have the longest amount of time where you can move around without the major health issues that the majority of people will face. It’s not ideal living to 90 if you’re in a wheelchair for 20 of those years.

Taking care of your health today will give you the most amount of able-bodied years, so you can maximize the amount of time to enjoy this one life.

Improved mental clarity and energy

There are also a myriad of studies showing how poor physical health leads to poor cognitive outcomes as we age. We can also reap mental benefits today from being in shape. The endorphins your body produces from exercise help you concentrate and feel mentally sharp.

We can all likely personally attest to feeling much more focused, decisive, and clear-minded when working out on a regular basis. The opposite is also true, as we can all remember times when we’ve felt sluggish and lazy from sitting around too much.

Momentum for greater change

Being inactive and not taking care of your body creates a ton of inertia. It’s hard to break this cycle if you don’t set goals and create a consistent exercise habit. Physical activity and positive body transformations all create reinforcement and momentum to continue this cycle. This momentum creates more energy to continue this positive process.

If you struggle with your health and fitness right now, the best place to start is with one positive change. Take a walk. Drink one less soda or beer per day, replace a candy bar with an apple. Do this every day, keep making one small change at a time, and keep building momentum.

Showing leadership by setting an example for others

As a man, people should look up to you. Are you worth looking up to? Do you want your children to continue the same habits you have?

Hopefully you can answer yes to this question. If not, that’s ok. You still have the opportunity to turn it around. Because if you have kids, they will follow your example, whether it’s positive or negative. You need to set the tone for their lives with your daily example. Saying the right things is not enough, what you actually do will have a much greater impact.

Working out

Where to start

Being fit improves every other aspect of your life. If you’re just getting started, below are a few resources to kickstart your journey. These will also help if you’re struggling to stay on track.

If you’re where you want to be fitness-wise, don’t get complacent! Maintain your habits and see where you can continue to improve.

If you’re not where you want to be yet, hopefully you have a better understanding of why health and fitness matters, and how it will benefit the other parts of your life. Use this knowledge as the impetus to take that first step. You don’t need to look like a body-builder or a pro athlete, but you should strive to always improve your physical fitness to a higher and higher standard.

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