4 Reasons Why You Should Mix Up Your Workouts

As you have adopted a more active lifestyle, you have likely developed a workout routine that you follow. Although you may enjoy it, you should still mix things up since you may do yourself more harm than good. Here are four reasons why you should mix up your workouts.

Reason #1: You Will Avoid Injuries

One reason you should mix things up in your workouts is that it’ll help you prevent repetitive strain injuries, which can happen if you perform many repetitive motions. When you change things up, you’ll give the previously used muscles, joints, and ligaments an opportunity to recover.

For instance, if you only do flat barbell bench press for your chest, you may build up inflammation in your rotator cuff, which can lead to tendonitis and other injuries. It’s best to distribute joint stress more evenly, which you can do by using dumbbells, changing to an incline angle every other workout, or employing bodyweight exercises like pushups and dips.

Reason #2: You Will Make More Progress

Another of the reasons why you should mix up your workouts is that you’ll make more progress on your fitness journey. Our bodies are made to adapt to external stressors. After doing the same exercise for a very long time, your body will adapt to this same type of stress, meaning it will become relatively easy.

Change your routine so that you can see your muscles grow and make more progress instead of ending up with a plateau in your results. While, you don’t need to change things every single workout, you should definitely switch up exercises at least once per week, even if it’s just one workout. You’ll ultimately be glad you decided to challenge your body and keep it guessing.

Reason #3: You Will Prevent Your Own Boredom

You may find yourself enamored with your workout routine now, but you may eventually become bored with it and decide to quit exercising. If you mix up your routines, however, you’ll have a better chance of ensuring that your workouts stay interesting and you remain dedicated to your health.

Routines can be good, and you’ll need to grind through some workouts, but mixing it up can refresh things enough to keep you motivated.

Reason #4: You Will Bring Benefits to Your Brain

You not only help your body when you switch up your workouts; it also helps your brain. When you change your routine, you must use your brain to direct you in terms of what you should do next instead of putting yourself on autopilot. You also gain a better mood as you exercise since you aren’t doing something that bores you.

After you decide to switch things up, pick some simple ways to mix up your everyday workout routine. You’ll appreciate the results it has on your body and your mind.

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