Category: Health

  • Benefits of Hill Sprints

    Benefits of Hill Sprints

    Sprint workouts have grown in popularity for the mainstream in the last 10 years or so. And in the past few years, hill sprinting has become a more commonly recommended workout. We’ll review the benefits of hill sprints and the best ways to integrate them into your routine. The basics You need to find a…

  • V Shape Body Workout

    V Shape Body Workout

    What is the ideal male physique? Most would include broad muscular shoulders, good upright posture, narrow waist, and visible muscle tone, aka the “V shape.” This body shape epitomizes physical power, health, and masculinity. But not everyone is naturally blessed with this structure. If you don’t have a natural v shape upper body or want…

  • 5 Realistic Ways to Sleep Better

    5 Realistic Ways to Sleep Better

    A good night’s rest is a cheat code. Your mind is clearer, you have more energy, and everything seems a little bit easier. But actually getting a full, restful night of sleep seems more difficult than ever. We all have so much going on, that our sleep tends to be the first victim of our…

  • Why Health and Fitness Matters

    Why Health and Fitness Matters

    The discussion around health and fitness centers on one point. Why should we care so much? We’ll go over why health and fitness matters, and how you can invest in the biggest, most important asset you have – yourself. Before we get into any lists or how-to’s, we’ll address the most important underlying principle. Standards….

  • Tips for Making Your Home Gym Work for You

    Tips for Making Your Home Gym Work for You

    Exercise is an essential part of everyone’s day-to-day life. Some can get by with their daily walking and activity, but others want to do more and exercise in gyms. For many, the gym is a wonderful place to go and put in this work. However, many others would prefer to have this gym in their…

  • 10 Easiest Ways to Naturally Increase Testosterone

    10 Easiest Ways to Naturally Increase Testosterone

    Testosterone has hit an all-time low for men of all age groups. Studies have shown a significant decrease in men’s testosterone levels since the 1980s. The average 20 year old today has the same levels as the average 50 year old in 1950. While many have theorized on the causes of this drop (less sleep,…