10 Easiest Ways to Naturally Increase Testosterone

Testosterone has hit an all-time low for men of all age groups. Studies have shown a significant decrease in men’s testosterone levels since the 1980s. The average 20 year old today has the same levels as the average 50 year old in 1950. While many have theorized on the causes of this drop (less sleep, higher levels of overweight and obese men, more sedentary jobs and lifestyles), we’ll discuss the 10 easiest ways to naturally increase testosterone levels.

What’s the problem?

Why is testosterone important? It is the hormone that makes a man a man. It can determine cognition, mood, energy levels, bone health, muscle strength, recovery, and skin health. Low T levels are associated with low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, depressed mood, anxiety, fatigue, irritability, and loss of muscular strength.

As you can see, if your T levels are low, you should prioritize naturally increasing these levels in your body. Your physical and mental wellness depends on it.

The chart below outlines normal testosterone levels by age. You can get your blood tested by a doctor or through various at-home testing kits, such as this one.

Testosterone chart for me

If you fall in the lower levels of the range for your age group, you can fix it. We’re going to review the 10 easiest ways to naturally increase testosterone levels.

You should try to optimize natural improvements through lifestyle changes before considering a magic pill. Some supplements and therapies are safe, but prioritizing these lifestyle improvements will benefit you in all areas of your life.

5 Dietary Changes to Boost Testosterone

  1. Eat more natural fats. Low fat diets are bad for testosterone levels. Good examples of foods to prioritize are salmon, chicken thighs, fattier beef (grass-fed if possible), avocados, nuts, coconut oil, and olive oil. Healthy fat is the fuel for testosterone development in the body.
  2. Eat whole eggs. This echoes the point above. Eggs contain the most bio-available protein of natural foods, as well as almost every vitamin except for C.
  3. Eat cruciferous vegetables. Foods like broccoli, kale, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and cabbage have been shown to improve T levels by lowering estrogen levels in the body.
  4. Avoid fake fats and processed foods. A no-brainer for overall health, and these foods have been shown to lower testosterone levels. This includes most packaged foods, anything fried, and cooking oils that are not naturally produced (like canola or vegetable oil).
  5. Reduce alcohol intake. While alcohol consumption can provide a short term boost in testosterone levels, regular long-term use will decrease testosterone. You don’t need to completely cut out alcohol, but drinking every day or almost every day will tank your T levels and impair healthy sleep.

5 Lifestyle Changes to Boost Testosterone

  1. Get sufficient sleep. One study showed that one week of sleep deprivation (~5 hours per night) led to a 10-15% decrease in T levels. Many other studies show similar affects. Getting enough sleep greatly improves overall quality of life anyway. Aim for 7-8 hours per night, and improve sleep quality by creating a night time routine and shutting off electronics and any blue light at least 30 minutes before bed.
  2. Lift weights. Lifting weights, especially compound exercises that recruit multiple body parts, will immediately boost testosterone levels. Regular resistance training will improve muscle mass, which will trigger the body to increase T levels in the long-term as well. A true win-win practice. If you’re busy, check out these workout hacks.
  3. Walk. Walking is the most natural movement that our bodies perform. Walking regularly will boost your mood and help better maintain body weight. Both of these factors positively impact T levels.
  4. Get some sunlight. Studies show that vitamin D deficiency leads to lower T levels. Direct sunlight exposure helps increase vitamin D levels. Make sure not to get too much sunlight based on your natural complexion, and increase exposure slowly. Most people need 20-30 minutes per day outside to boost D levels, which a daily walk would cover. If you live somewhere with limited sunlight, take a supplement.
  5. Have more sex. It’s science. Who are we to argue?

These are the 10 easiest ways to naturally increase testosterone levels. Develop and maintain these habits, and your quality of life will improve as well.

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