How to Cut, Light & Hold a Cigar

How to Hold a Cigar – Proper Ways to Cut, Light & Hold

Lighting up the first cigar is the moment many men wait for, especially those who are new to the culture of smoking.

Imagine this, you have bought your first cigar, found the perfect time and place to light it, and you’re ready to smoke, relax, and enjoy yourself.

But do you really know how to properly cut, light, and hold a cigar?

Because the answer is, it’s completely different from the more commonly used cigarette.

Proper Way to Cut, Light & Hold a Cigar

Before we proceed with the proper steps, let’s address the issue of choosing the right cigar. After all, if you do not have the right one for you, the cutter or lighter wouldn’t do much, and your experience might be negative.

1. The Selection

Namely, the first thing to do before choosing a good cigar is to notice its humidity. It is vital that humidity should not drop below 65% or rise above 75%.

Therefore, always ensure to choose a fresh one.

Types of Cigars

2. The Cut

The next step is cutting it. When it comes to cutting a cigar, there are three types of different cutters. The Circular ones, the V-shaped, and the straight cutters called guillotines, which are the most basic type.

What you should do after selecting your cutter, is identify the cap or shoulder of the cigar. You want to cut at the right point, not too much, but not too little as well.

Then place the cigar in your cutter and with one swift movement, slice the cap off.

How to Cut a Cigar

3. The Light

Once you’ve cut the cigar, it’s time to light it. Many people believe that a flame lighter is the best choice for cigars, but torch flames or matches can do just fine here.

If you choose a Torch Flame, then you’d want to have the cigar at the tip of the torch flame for about half an inch away from the foot and then distribute the flame by rotating the cigar.

The same notion applies if you use a Flame lighter or Matches, but the difference is, these types of lighter require more patience and you need to rotate the cigar over the flame instead of over the tip like with the Torch Flame.

It’s key that the cigar gains a consistent burn so that when you give it a few draws you can have a good burn.

How to Light a Cigar

4. The Hold

After lighting it up, the next thing to know is how to hold it. The best way to hold it is between your index finger and your thumb. This will appear a lot more elegant and gentlemanly.

How to Hold a Cigar

Last but not least, always remember to enjoy the experience. One puff a minute is more than enough as you’d want to allow it a moment to cool. This is a personal experience and it should be enjoyed as such.

In addition, here’s a short video to help you get a clearer picture of this unique experience.

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