Man hiking outside

The Benefits of Spending Time Outside

The modern gentleman should strive for a well-rounded approach to life. We typically discuss topics like fashion, fitness/health, dating/relationship advice, and other ways you can improve your life. There are clear benefits of spending time outside, and doing so will enhance all areas of your life.

The best part about getting outside? It’s totally free. Even if you have to drive somewhere to immerse yourself more completely in nature, it’s pretty low cost compared to other activities. And a hike can make for a good date.

Many cultures have some tradition espousing the benefits of nature. The Japanese call it “forest bathing,” and “forest schools” have long been a tradition in Scandinavia. The ancient Greeks used sun exposure as a part of their healing protocol for many diseases.

While modern medicine focuses on reactive treatment for larger issues (usually for good reason and out of necessity), we can take some control of preventing the smaller issues we face on a daily basis. The list below highlights some of the proven physical and psychological benefits of spending time outside.

  • Lower stress and anxiety
  • Easy cardio
  • More sunlight
  • Perspective shift
man hiking outside

Lower stress and anxiety

Spending time outdoors has proven to lower stress and anxiety. Given the amount of stress most of us face on a daily basis, this benefit alone should provide enough motivation to get outside regularly. Since many of us live in urban environments, a little dose of the opposite can ease the stress of life just enough to keep our sanity.

There hasn’t been a ton of scientific research on the exact mechanism for why time in nature benefits us in this way. It doesn’t really matter – the strong correlation between these psychological benefits and time spent outdoors is all the evidence you need.

If possible, you should try to get in a completely outdoor environment (like a state park) for at least a couple hours each month. If this is not possible, do the best you can. An hour or so per week in a semi-outdoor environment (like a city park) can provide some of these basic benefits. If you live near a beach, this counts too.

Plan a hike, take lunch in a park, and/or create a daily walking route through a park. Any of these activities are easy ways to reap the benefits of nature.

Easy cardio

One of the best habits you can create for yourself is going on a daily walk.

Getting outside forces you to walk, and the benefits of walking are numerous and can last you a lifetime (lower stress, better cardiovascular health, better immunity, lower weight, etc…). Since these two activities go hand in hand, you can double the benefits of each by intentionally cultivating your outdoor habit.

More sunlight

Many of us are vitamin D deficient. Getting at least 15-20 minutes per day of direct sunlight (depending on skin type) is enough to solve this deficiency. Plus, getting some sun on your face and skin just feels good.

Vitamin D helps with testosterone production (another area where levels have been dropping for years) and improves immunity. Sunlight exposure early in the day can promote deeper, better sleep.

Obviously you need to prevent sunburn (limit exposure time or cover up), but otherwise most of us do not get enough sun exposure. Spending more time outside is the perfect remedy.

Perspective shift

The world is a big, beautiful place. We forget this a lot of times. Spending time immersed in nature can bring us perspective, which helps us realize how small some of our problems are.

The beauty of nature can inspire us and help us take step back/away from our problems. Sometimes all you need is a little break and a fresh viewpoint to help tackle your challenges. If you can make this a regular practice, you will be better able to tackle the challenges of life.

Put it this way, when’s the last time you felt mentally worse after a solid hike in the woods? Maybe you were physically tired, but the mental benefits of spending time outside are enough for any modern gentleman to intentionally seek this out as a part of his routine.

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